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最新消息 > 雅思閱讀多選題有什麼技巧嗎?


智課發布時間:18-05-1414:18雅思閱讀考試中必考題型就是多選題,很多在考生容易在這部分丟失分數,小智今天就同大家一起來看看雅思閱讀多選題有什麼技巧,童鞋們可以結合練習,通過實踐來掌握這些方法,運用到自己的考試答題中喲~A: Try following these steps when doing multiple choice questions(多選題請嘗試以下步驟):1. Read the question and underline the "keywords" - these are the words that you will try to find in the passage (the main words that give the meaning of the question).(讀題并劃出關鍵詞,就是你即將要去文章中找的能體現題目含義的詞語)2. Read the choices and underline one or two keywords for each one. Focus on words that make the difference between each choice.(讀選項,每個劃出一兩個關鍵詞。仔細研究每個選項的差別)3. Go to the passage and look for the keywords from the question.(去文章找到問題中的關鍵詞)4. When you have found the right part of the passage, look for keywords from the choices.(當你找到答案段落,尋找選項中的關鍵詞)5. Read the relevant part of the passage carefully, comparing it to each choice.(仔細閱讀相關段落,和每個選項做比較)6. To be sure you have the right answer, you should be able to show that the other answer choices are wrong.(你確定你有正確答案的時候應該能證明其它的是錯的)以上為雅思閱讀多選題解題方法分享,希望對大家備考雅思閱讀多選題有一定的幫助。
